- Use Firefox
- Go to Greasemonkey and click the Install Now button.
- Restart your browser
- Find the Greasemonkey script here:
- When you click on the above, if all went well so far it should say, hey, that's a grease monkey script and give you an option to install it
- After that, whenever you go to the summary results page it should show 7.5 - 4.5 or whatever instead of the lame 1 - 0
- Let me know if it works!
Needless to say, it's pretty much of a hack job, and totally dependent on TQ not changing their page layout, etc. If they do, lord only knows what the page will look like after being greased.
- There should now be a Greasemonkey selection from the Firefox tools menu. Go to "Manage User Scripts..." and disable or uninstall the TQGameScore script. Reload the results page.
- Or, click on the little Monkey face (bottom right on Firefox status bar) to disable Greasemonkey. Reload the results page.
Here's the before and after: