Sunday, April 29, 2007

Grease is the Word!

Some of you might be familiar with Greasemonkey, which lets you take javascript and have it applied to whatever page you want. Inspired by Jason, I wrenched up a script to automatically show the actual score right on the TQ Results page, like the good ol' days. While I was in there, I replaced the clutch... no, wait, that was John & Phil's suburu, no, while I was in there, I made it so that in each category, the better score is green and ties are blue. Also, for each matchup, the winning team name is bold. Gives a quick picture of what's going on.


  1. Use Firefox
  2. Go to Greasemonkey and click the Install Now button.
  3. Restart your browser
  4. Find the Greasemonkey script here:
  5. When you click on the above, if all went well so far it should say, hey, that's a grease monkey script and give you an option to install it
  6. After that, whenever you go to the summary results page it should show 7.5 - 4.5 or whatever instead of the lame 1 - 0
  7. Let me know if it works!

Needless to say, it's pretty much of a hack job, and totally dependent on TQ not changing their page layout, etc. If they do, lord only knows what the page will look like after being greased.


  • There should now be a Greasemonkey selection from the Firefox tools menu. Go to "Manage User Scripts..." and disable or uninstall the TQGameScore script. Reload the results page.
  • Or, click on the little Monkey face (bottom right on Firefox status bar) to disable Greasemonkey. Reload the results page.

Here's the before and after: