Thursday, April 13, 2006

Interesting Chart on the Distribution of Stats from the draft

I thought I'd throw the draft list into Excel and do a little PivotChart action. Pretty interesting results.

Here's the chart:

Dustin takes the prize for least $1 players. Look at all those guys in the $6 - $10 range. What will be interesting to see is which strategies pay off. Obviously, there's a lot of luck involved but this does shed some light on strategy a bit.

A couple of other things of note, Andy and Matt didn't draft a player over $30. We'll see if that works out for them. Also, Brian an Jim spent the most money on high $$$ players and tied for the most $1 players. That will be interesting to watch early on to see if that paid off.

Man, nearly all of Dusty's players went between $6 and $15.

Anyone else see anything interesting? If you want the spreadsheet to play around with, let me know.


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