Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2006 season

Hey everyone!

It’s almost baseball season! Pitchers and catchers are reporting soon so it must be time to start thinking about the Roto Draft!

Just a few things we need to iron out.

1. When can we draft?

We need to get the draft schedule for all of our personal planning purposes. I like to draft right after the season starts. Hopefully no more than two weeks after it starts. I’m open to drafting before opening day as well.

Possible Dates: April 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 15th, or 16th. We could also go early and do March 25th or 26th.

2. Can we continue to use the TQStats site?

Are we all OK with the baseball commissioner site we used last season? It takes a huge load off of the commissioner with it’s transaction options and the price is right. But if you really hated it, let me know and I’ll see what our options are.

3. Do we want to change anything about our league rules?

Fees OK? Anything else?

4. What do you think about a keeper league?

The only thing I was thinking that might be interesting is starting to do a keeper league. Basically we could keep up to 5 or 10 players we drafted at the cost we paid for one more season (2 year contract). All free agents/reserves would be $10. Each additional year (after the second) would mean a $10 raise. Their salaries would be subtracted off of the $260 you start with at the draft.

This would bring another cool aspect to the league…and keep the draft shorter. Which would be nice.

What do you think?

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