Tuesday, June 05, 2007

WOW: Week 9!

This week goes to a guy who just turned 26 and celebrated his birthday by getting rocked and then he went on to rock his own teammate. All punk team for Carlos Zambrano this week!

Carlos Zambrano - Poopers
10.80 Era, 3.00 Whip, 5 IP, 1 Lose, 38 stitches to Barrett (not really sure about the number of stitches but thought that I would make it be something outrageous.


Billy Donovan


Kelley said...

Previous Losers:

Bret Myers - Full Flanull (Week 9)
Team FKAky - FKAky (Week 7)
Heath Bell - Utility Men (Week 6)
Matt Capps - Pickle Weasels (Week 5)
Trevor Hoffman - Utility Men (Week 4)
Brett Myers - Full Flanull (Week 3)
Zach Duke - Utility Men (Week 2)
Jorge Julio - Pickle Weasels (Week 1)
Brad Lidge - Box Chowers (Week 1)

Jason P said...

Now Z is a pooper

Jim said...

I don't want to complain, by I think my man Adam Eaton was overlooked:

1 GS, 2 IP, 5 ER, 1 K, 4 BB, 22.50 ERA, 5.00 WHIP

Where's the (dis)respect?!

Kelley said...

Violence is never an answer to your problems...that is why he won it.