Tuesday, May 01, 2007


From the NYTimes:

REEL BASEBALL: 1899-1926

I know about as much about baseball as I do about quantum physics, but I found much of the material in this two disc-set, recently released by Kino, absolutely fascinating. Cinephiles who reflexively avoid sports movies (not the most distinguished of genres) will find “Reel Baseball: 1899-1926” a thinly disguised attempt to smuggle some lesser-known early films onto the DVD market. Baseball fans will be delighted by the dramatic presence of a young, slim Babe Ruth, playing an imaginary version of himself in the 1920 feature “Headin’ Home,” and by the great New York Giants manager John McGraw, playing himself in an excerpt from the 1917 Edison feature “One Touch of Nature.”

More here: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/01/movies/homevideo/01dvd.html

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